going green


  • A Waste-Free Lunch
    Reusable containers and thermoses instead of plastic bags, juice boxes and prepackaged snacks. Bring your own utensils rather than using plastic-ware.

  • Inflate Your Tires
    Driving on poorly inflated tires wastes gas and produces increased carbon dioxide.

  • Donate Your Electronics
    Donate your old electronics and computers to schools, churches and childcare centers. Dell, Apple and HP also take back old products.

  • Printing-Use Both Sides
    Set your printers to double-sided printing. This will cut down on your paper usage as well as clutter. Don't forget to have your kids color on both sides too!

  • No Paper Cups
    Bring your own cup, mug or thermos to Starbuck’s and you will save 10 cents on your coffee. (Check other local coffee shops, too, as they might offer a cup credit). At work use your own coffee mug and stay away from Styrofoam!

  • Car Washes
    Commercial car washes use 35 to 85 gallons less per vehicle and many recycle water.

  • Stock Your Refrigerator
    A full refrigerator uses less energy to keep cool.

  • Use Cloth Only
    Cut back on paper towels by using old t-shirts, stained baby clothes and old cotton clothing to dust and clean.

  • Carpool with Co-Worker
    Drive to work with co-workers and create a rotating car pool with other parents so your children can ride to school together.

  • Size Up Your Family’s Impact
    Want to know your impact on the environment? Go to www.Conservation.org/EcoFootPrint to take a free quiz with your family.

  • Give Away, Don't Throw Away
    Give your unwanted items to others or go to www.FreeCycle.org

  • Dryer Balls
    Use a dryer ball instead of traditional softener sheets. The balls are designed to reduce drying time and soften fabrics naturally, without chemicals. This is great for sensitive skin or people with allergies

  • Switch to Rechargeable Batteries
    Buy rechargeable batteries-they may be more expensive up front, but you will save long term. If you do continue to buy non-rechargeable batteries dispose of them properly. You will find local recycling centers at www.Earth911.org

  • Reduce Your Junk Mail
    Go to visit www.CatalogChoice.org

  • Daily Green Updates
    For more ideas on going green visit www.IdeaBite.com